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Saturday, 17 December 2011

iPhone 5, iPad 3 Due In 2012

iPhone 5, iPad 3 Due In 2012

According to several internet reports, Apple is planning to roll out the iPad 3 and iPhone 5 in 2012. Little is known about either device, but most sources expect them to be incremental updates of current models.
Apple does plan to update its Macbook and iMac ranges next year, though exactly what kind of changes are in stores remains unclear.
The iPhone 4S, which was release about a month ago, has received mixed reviews, but has still managed to sell quite well since being introduced. The iPad 2 has also enjoyed great commercial success, but with Microsoft planning a major tablet launch next year along with Windows 8, many analysts say Apple will have to introduce something truly special in the iPad 3 if it wishes to remain on top in this new market.


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